Sunday 30 November 2014

25 Days of Bloggers - How They Were Chosen

Hi Goddesses

Are you ready, we're nearly ready.  It's nearly time to be ready!!!

25 Days of Bloggers will start tomorrow.  As I usually do, I just wanted to explain a little bit about the science of putting the list together, as I think there will be some omissions that will surprise you.

The first thing is, There Had To Be A Blog, so no place in list for IG Goddesses

Madam Luck
Mrs Lochness

Are they my FAVOURITE 25 nail blogs?  Not quite.  One of the criteria I was really strict about was regular content.  A lot of bloggers who I love have posted more sporadically this year, which is why there is no place in my 25 for -

Chalkboard Nails
One Nail To Rule Them All
Brit Nails
work play polish

Now, if I were choosing my absolute favourite 25, all 4 of those ladies would be in there, but .....

There's also hardly any swatchers in this 25.   Some, but only a handful.  I tend to find when I've seen a couple of swatches of a new polish, I've seen enough, so I don't go out looking for MORE swatches of that polish.   I've picked my go-to swatch blogs, but other awesome swatch blogs you'll want to consider include -

Accio Lacquer
Fashion Polish
Tunay Na Mahal

And finally .... the casualties.  This year seems to have been tough on our bloggers, and more than ever have either stopped blogging .. or taken an extended leave of absence.  A LOT of these have been my dearest friends, and whilst I would usually SNATCH the chance to read their latest blog post, that's why you won't see these awesome blogs in the list -

Gnarly Gnails (I miss my Missy so)
Let Them Have Polish
Manicurity - AWOL since September
Smashley Sparkles
Manicurator (although Vic has now started posted again - whoopee)

So, enjoy my 25 picks for you.  They post regular, quality content.  Some of them are way too cool for school and scare me with their brilliance; some of them have made patterns an art form, and others have the ability to make anything look simple, even if it isn't.

I love each blog I'm going to show you - I hope you find some new inspiration along the way :)

The Polish Bar Winter 2014 Collection

Hi Goddesses

So there I am, feverishly making plans for all my December posts ... and 2 of my favourite indie makers release new collections!  I hadn't planned for that lol !!

Here is the first, the Winter Collection from The Polish Bar, which releases tomorrow 1st December.  It's a lovely collection of 5 colours - most of them intense and bright.

Starlight is the odd one out of the bunch, a delicate white holo which needs 3 coats to be worn on it's own.

I like that this has a frosted feel - like something the Ice Queen would wear in Narnia!

This can also be worn over other polishes  BUT it's not a holo top coat, so it will change the colour of whatever polish you wear it over.

Star Voyage is just divine.  Glorious.  Stunning.  Everything a Christmas polish should be.

This is a berry red holo.  I love that Janice is still making super-fine holos when everyone else has veered towards "crunchier" ones.  It's the super fine ones that really take your breath away.

This is port, cranberries and velvet rolled into one.  Magnificent.

The final holo is Mystic Sky.  Although this is described as navy, it didn't lean quite that dark for me, but sometimes that's just because the polish is "new" and thinner.

This is a dark blue with occasional petrol tones - this definitely bends oceanic green at the very edges.

A lovely blue - another rich, decadent colour.

The 2 glitters are very similar.  I've worn them solo on the ring finger, and over a dark creme on the other fingers.  Whilst I love them solo, I love how just one coat of them over a dark base really accentuates the holo.

Dream Galaxy has pink, purple, turquoise and green glitters, and is sitting snugly on top of OPI Siberian Nights.

I absolutely love the drama of this over the OPI.  I dare you to tell me that's not a perfect midnight sky!

Cosmic Sea has pink, purple and green glitters and is sat on top of OPI Christmas Gone Plaid.

As I said, I love how the holo is more noticeable over the dark base.   It looks so Christmassy.

These polishes were sent to me for an honest review and launch tomorrow.  You can buy them HERE and need to keep checking Janice's FB page HERE for launch info.

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