Wednesday 22 October 2014

Nire's Desire - Megashira

Hi Goddesses

Another Nire's Desire for you today, and this one is a dramatic blue-leaning blurple with a dollop of pink shimmer.

Megashira totally gets its prettiness from the shimmer.  The blue it's sat in isn't navy, blurple or royal, but some mixture of the 3, and it's the pink that lifts it into more heavenly realms.

It's quite a glowy polish, and greedily pulls the light in.  

Because of the pink, I decided stamping with pink would be an awesome idea.  Turns out, not so much lol.  I do like the pattern though, which is from LilyAnna plate 04.

Because I had some neon studs from Born Pretty Store that needed using, I added these in too.  Personally, I think it's too much, but there's something quirky about the photos that does make me smile.

This polish, and the studs, were sent to me for an honest review.  You can purchase Nire's Desire HERE and Born Pretty Products HERE.

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