Friday 31 October 2014

Digit-al Dozen Spooky Days - The Disappearing Cat

Hi Goddesses

And so we close at the open, to paraphrase JK Rowling.  This is the very first Halloween mani I did, and I still feel it's the best, in terms of imagination and execution.

I hope you understand now what I meant about hating the cutesy Halloween stuff.  Hopefully you've seen that Halloween can still be dark and gothic, and cats are definitely part of that.

Initially, the whole of this week was going to feature witches and cats, but in the end, I got inspired by too many other things, so maybe next year.

This mani was completely inspired by the base - Girly Bits Protect Your Girly Bits.  It's a stunning purple, and here I have it matted for maximum drama.

The day I wore it, I kept seeing it as the perfect Halloween sky, and then a sickly moon started to take shape in my head.   You know how obsessed I am with cats, and when I thought about what silhouette I'd put in front of the moon, there was only one choice :)

How he became The Disappearing Cat is just one of those pure whimiscal moments of imagination, but it felt right.  He's magical, and when he's had enough - poof!  he's gone.

This mani has a special place in my sentimental and witchy heart, and I *think* I did it justice.

Thanks for following us this week and I hope you've enjoyed all the Halloween posts you've seen this month xx

Thursday 30 October 2014

#52WPNMC Meets The Digit-al Dozen Spooky Days - Halloween Roses

Hi Goddesses

Today's mani is another theme combo, and this time it takes the colour prompt from the #52WPNMC - 3 dark colours.

Originally, I saw gothic roses in my head, but when I decided to combine it with Halloween it dropped some of the gotherama, although I still like the finished result.

This uses Different Dimension Werewolves of London as the gorgeous orange base, and on to that, I splodged in dark green and purple.

Afterwards, I stamped with Messy Mansion plate MM20 in black, but not my Konad black.  My Konad has gone beyond opaque now, and I am glad I went for a lighter black - the Konad would definitely have drowned out the colours.

I love that this has a really rotten and decayed vibe to it :)  Perfect for Halloween.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Meets 13 Days of Halloween - Ghosts

Hi Goddesses

Today's design draws from a technique I have seen a lot lately, and one very specific mani I saw on More Nail Polish.

The technique involves dotting the nail with very thinned out polish or acrylic paint, and soaking up the excess with a cotton bud.  Once it dries, it creates this amazing see-through effect.

You've probably mostly seen it as bubbles, but a couple of weeks ago, Cathy used it to create ghosts for the Supernatural prompt in the 31 Day Challenge.   Because she is way more talented than me, her shapes look human, whilst mine look .... let's be kind and say scarily inhuman lol.

I think I was scared of the runniness of my acrylic paint, and that I wouldn't be able to control it enough to create a defined shape.  My first nail was the middle one, and you can see how I just chickened out and went for an amorphous blob lol.

By the time I'd got going, I felt more in control, and I LOVE my cat. I added some red eyes for max spookiness - this is definitely a technique I'll be returning to.

The Massive UK Blog Sale !!!

Hi Goddesses

I am having a THUNDEROUS destash!  I have too many pretties I just don't use, so I've made up some gorgeous grab bags at hopefully exciting prices!

If you want a grab bag (or 2, or 5), all you need to do is email me at and request your bag.  I will confirm it's available and send you paypal details.

Unless otherwise noted, polishes will have been used once, or not at all.   And before we get to the grab bags, there are a couple of special purchases available - 

OPI DS Glamour - £25 incl postage - see fill line just above OPI lettering

Ozotic 506 now discontinued - £15 incl postage

Rescue Beauty Lounge - Faraway Nearby - £15 incl postage

Here's what we have - ALL GRAB BAGS CONTAIN 4 POLISHES.  Due to UK postal restrictions, polishes can only be sent to UK addresses.

HOLO grab bag - £28 incl postage - Polishes include - Lilipads, Above The Curve, Darling Diva, Chirality, Nire's Desire, Literary Lacquers, Too Fancy, Smitten and Emily de Molly (and more). 

9 bags available

INDIE grab bag - £20 incl postage - mix of 4 fabulous indie polishes - Polishes include - Femme Fatale, Digital Nails, Different Dimension, Emily de Molly, KPT, Pahlish, Pretty Serious, Cirque, Pretty & Polished, Darling Diva, KBShimmer, Cult Nails (and more). 

11 bags available

MIXED OPI Bag - £12 incl postage.  Contains 4 polishes of which 1 is an OPI.
Other polishes include - Essie, China Glaze, KIKO, Models Own, Nubar, indies, brazilian polishes, Duri, Color Club, Sally Hansen, Bondi, Nails Inc, and others.  Approx £20 of polishes in each bag.

15 bags available

1 x Zoya grab bag - £20 incl postage - includes PixieDust

1 x high end grab bag - 2 x Butter London and 2 x ILNP - £25 incl postage

1 x random - 2 x OPI and 2 x Zoya (both Zoyas have been used.  One has 90% remaining, the other 80%) - £12 incl postage

Thank you - my babies are excited to find new forever homes lol.

The Digit-al Dozen Spooky Days Giveaway!!!

Hi Goddesses

To celebrate Halloween, the Digit-al Dozen have a Giveaway goin' on.

2 prizes, both international - 

All 5 polishes from the Different Dimension Spooky Collection -

Any 2 polishes of your choice from The Nail Junkie - 

A huge thanks to Different Dimension and The Nail Junkie for joining us in bringing some sparkle to your Halloween!

Both prizes will be open to international readers!
(as long as your country allows polish to be shipped. You know if yours has restrictions, if it does please have another place your prize can be sent to)

Giveaway will run until 12:00am (EST) November 4th
Winners will have 72 hours to respond or another name will be chosen.
Just fill out the rafflecopter widget below and Good Luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday 28 October 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Meets 13 Days of Halloween AND #52WPNMC - Thriller

Hi Goddesses

Wow, that is one long and boring blog post title lol.  Today the Digit-al Dozen's Halloween theme collides with the "pattern" prompt for the # 52WPNMC - the 1980s!

Originally I was going to go for something neon and insane to represent the 80s, but the minute I thought of tying it to the Halloween theme, only 1 thought ruled my mind - Thriller.

As all of you as old as me will know, Thriller is a turning point in pop cultural history.  The perfect meld of music and video, the video itself in it's 15 minute glory and the iconography of the dance and the costumes (remember Jennifer Garner in 13 Going on 30?).

My drawing isn't super good, but I think you *can* just about tell what it this mani is, but here's a handy guide lol, just incase - 

thumb - the gold typography from the album sleeve
index - popcorn, from the cinema, before it all went so wrong ....

The next 3 fingers are all Michael - his zombiefied face (ish, lol), his soiled and distressed red football jacket, and his famous white sock and black shoe, for all doz mooooves.

I'm a little sad that this mani can never be as good on my hand as I would want it to be, but one thing's for sure, this trip down Memory Lane REALLY made me smile :) 

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