Monday 8 September 2014

The Digit-al Dozen 2nd Anniversary Week - Things That Go In Pairs

Hi Goddesses

And welcome to another Digit-al Dozen Week.  As you may already know from our epic Giveaway, this month is our 2nd Anniversary so we asked YOU what themes you’d like to see.  Interestingly, most of you suggested things that involved 2, cotton / sapphire (linked to this anniversary and September), or china (ditto).

Today we have things that go in pairs, and initially I was quite stumped.  I had a vague Noah’s Ark theme in my head but wasn’t happy with it.  Then Beth had a day when she just wanted to be involved in All Things Nails lol so I said “let’s plan the DD challenge”, and her first idea – with a teenager-y DUH – was “socks or shoes”.

It was soooo obvious, and so doable PLUS Beth has an awesome collection of animal printed things, being the biggest lover of animals in the world.

So, what we got?  Well, the index and middle finger are her awesome summer trainer-type things.  Bright pink, leopard print, and white laces.  The base here is OPI Hey Baby.

She then has a set of black socks which all have multi-coloured animal prints.  I discarded the leopard and the zebra in favour of the giraffe.  Originally I tried this as a blobbicure, but just couldn’t get it to work – my shapes were too circular.

Eventually, these were just painted on with a thin nail art brush –
Blue – Cadillacquer Never Too Late
Purple – Liquid Sky Lacquer Did You Get His Number?
Pink – Liquid Sky Lacquer What Was Your Name Again

All these nails were matted and I LOVE THEM!

And then there’s the thumb.  The minute Beth said socks and shoes, it reminded me of an awesome lyric from the Kate Bush song Moments of Pleasure –

“and I can hear my mother saying, “every old sock meets an old shoe”.  Ain’t that a great saying.  “Every old sock meets an old shoe”.

I love the song, and I loved that the lyric united my nail art as well as reminding us that however grumpy, flawed and difficult we may be, there’s someone for everyone … somewhere ...

Don’t forget to check out what the other ladies did, and also, don’t forget to enter the Giveaway!!!  (yesterday’s post)

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