Tuesday 3 June 2014

Lilypad Lacquer - Slimey Limey

Hi Goddesses

As some of you know, I have a hot and heavy love affair with Lilypad Lacquer, and a couple of months ago, Nicole sent me some polishes for review.  Unfortunately, it coincided with my "break", and it's taken me a shameful length of time to get to them.  However, getting to them I am, so prepare for lots of holo-tastic fun over the next couple of weeks.

We kick off today with Slimey Limey, which is just SO obnoxiously green that it should come with a pair of sunglasses.

There is nothing apologetic about this polish whatsoever. It's green and it knows it is AND IT HAS ITS STRUT ON lol.  The holo is fairly subtle, which I think is a wise move.  My camera barely coped with the colour, any more holo and I think it would have blown up!

Yes, my camera.  It flinches at some colours, so in real life this is maybe one click darker/deeper than what you're seeing here.  It's not a green that has a place in nature lol, but it's pretty close to Kermit.

I then added some black dots for no other reason than I thought that was a mani a witch might wear.  Something about green and black is very witchy for me.

Even though this tone of green and me don't go hand in hand, I loved the kookiness of this mani and how pale it made my hands look!  It appealed to my inner witch ... the mean one lol.

You can follow Lilypad Lacquer on Facebook HERE and buy buy buy HERE.    In the UK, you can scoop em up at Sally Magpies.  This polish was sent to me for an honest review.

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