Monday 29 October 2012

CROWS TOES - Last Call At The Crow Bar

Hi Goddesses

Happy Crumpet's on Holiday Week!  I hope you're ready for the amount of posts that are going to hit you lol.  The vault is having a HUGE clearout!

Crows Toes Halloweenies continues with this interesting polish.  I'm going to be honest, I'm really on the fence about this one, but I think a lot of that could be to do with the undies I chose - nothing has looked good over that polish so far lol.

So, LCATCB is a gunmetal grey glitter, with stray colours thrown in.  It reminds me of the grungey goth cousin of Rainbow Connection, and it also reminds me of all the things you might sweep up off the floor of the Crow Bar - beetles, spiders, ants, blood drops.

In some of the photos, this looks really gorgeous, and in others it looks a bit flat to me.  I layered it over KIKO 338 a gorgeous creamy lavender, but I really think it was a bad choice of base.  Crows Toes polishes need dark or deviant or bold bases, so I'm probably going to redo this one at some point.

I really love the random yellow or pink or orange piece of glitter, but then when don't I love a Crows Toes :)

Stay tuned - there's at least one more Crow flying into the blog today.  Enjoy xx :)
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