Thursday 11 August 2011


Nails I Love

Nails I Love is written to celebrate some of the most beautiful nail varnishes on earth and to help you choose which colours and styles will suit you. 

Each posting will feature details about the colour as well as photos.  I guarantee every photo will show the varnish as it looks on your fingers, otherwise, what’s the point ? 

Top Tip – if you’re ever unsure what a nail colour looks like, go to Google images, which will give you plenty of contrasts and compares.

ZOYA – Nimue

Oh.  My.  Zoya.  Wow.  Nimue is quite a girl.

From the Mirrors Collection, Nimue is a smoky metallic shimmery heather grey colour.  Or, Nimue is the colour of purple steel.  Or, Nimue is a fluffy metallic aubergine cloud.  The poetry is endless.

I cannot even begin to count the ways I love Nimue, but I’ll try.  There’s fawn, ice, aubergine, lilac, mink, grape and taupe mixed in there somewhere.  It has that same lazy depth that Harley does, the texture of a shimmery cloud.  It’s not quite a duochrome but it does bend with the light, sometimes taking on darker, “cold steel grape” tones.

It flashes in the light.  It gathers all the fairy particles in the air, sucks them in and swells with them, pulsing light and gorgeousness.  It’s a cashmere blanket, blended from steel and mink, heather and metal, smoke and rubble.  It’s …. amazing.  No other word will do.

This is a very close cousin to Marina, also from the Mirrors Collection.  Although their actual “colour” is different, they very much share the same tone, steeliness, depth and shimmer. 

This is iced grape.  This is aubergine steel.  This, ladies and gentlemen, is Nimue.  Witness her awe J
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