Thursday 9 April 2015

Shades of Phoenix - Knight In Shining Armour and Midnight Sky

Hi Goddesses

Today is the final post featuring the amazing Shades of Phoenix polishes I was sent for review.   Sad face.   For the previous 4 days you've seen some subtle glitters - now we have 2 holos.

Ironically, I assumed I would love these the most.  I did NOT expect the glitters to win my heart so resoundingly.  Both of these holos are subtle and applied perfectly.

Knight In Shining Armour is a baby dove grey.  It's super soft, super soft, and very delicate.

Midnight Sky is a super dark teal / petrol / almost navy combo which is dark and delicious.  

Again, despite the strong colour, the holo is soft and subtle, twinkling like stars in the - oh! - midnight sky :)

I did a little nail art combining the 2 of them, just for fun.

Shades of Phoenix can be bought here - and you really really should.  All 6 polishes were sent to me for an honest review.

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