Sunday 5 January 2014

New Brand Week - Crumpet Reviews Polish Alcoholic

Hi Goddesses

And welcome to the start of a very exciting week.  I have at least 5 (maybe 7 if I swatch faster) brands that you have never seen on The Crumpet before.  Some of them are indies - some new, some established - and a couple are brands who would like to be more mainstream.

We start today with the Polish Alcoholic who sent me the above package for review.  It's rare I pause before I rip into packaging, but even *I* wanted a photo of the lovely wrapping.

First we have Elrond, which is unlike anything I've ever tried before.  This is a metallic orange, with subtle duochrome, and fierce sparks.

Look at it - it's like fire, pure molten fire.   It reminds me of erupting volcanoes or close-ups of the surface of the sun.  On the nail, this veers from an almost brash gold-orange, to a deeper more subdued colour.   Always fascinating is how it's imbued with SO much light.

I wore this "raw" first, and you'll notice the "gritty" particles.  This isn't texture, but teeny tiny glitter which was all but impossible to capture.  In real life, these pieces of glitter are giving off a very burnt-amber tone of fire, often at odds with the colour shift within the polish.  If you love oranges, you'll want this.

I then tried it glossy (above and below) -

And finally, I added a matte top coat.  Again, I can't believe how much light this holds even when it's had a matte TC on it.

Next we have Rieppeleon, which I sneak peeked last week.  This is an amazing dream of a polish.

Rieppeleon is a subtle grey mist green holo.  Lovely and cool in tone.  Calming.  Serene.  And then you angle your hand and you get this BLAST of toxic lime light from the duochrome - it's a spectacular shift.

I'm not often a fan of polishes that are a duochrome AND a holo, as it's often hard to accomplish both elements, but this polish does that - IN SPADES.

This really is truly spectacular.  Wild and serene in the same polish :)

And finally Gold Digger, a gold leaf glitter topper.  It's layered here over piCture pOlish Flirt, and the combo worked so well, it ended up as my New Years Mani.

I've then done you a side by side with a more famous gold leaf topper - Au by Cirque.  The only difference between the 2 is the density of the flakes - there is more base in the PA version.  This is no bad thing though - it allows a perfectly respectable 1 coat topping like you see here, and also allows you to add a second if you would prefer.

I was really impressed with all 3 polishes, especially Rieppeleon, which is just a pure work of art.   The brush in particular was so effortless to use, it really made application super easy (and tidy!).   Am I eager to try more?  You bet!

These polishes were sent to me for my honest review.  You can follow Polish Alcoholic here, and check out her store HERE.

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