Friday 31 January 2014

Guest Post - Mina from Cubbiful

Hi Goddesses

Today I am delighted to welcome Mina from Cubbiful to the blog.  She is one of my bloggers to watch in 2014, and you can follow her on Facebook by clicking here.

Her manis always make me smile - they are colourful, and full of happy.  Here she comes :)

Hello all - I'm Mina, from Cubbiful.
First and foremost, can I just say... I'm guest posting for The Crumpet! Ahhhh :)

Those of you who've been with me for a while know how my 2013 ended in a great happy mood when I saw I was among The Crumpet's «Blogs to Watch in 2014» list.

So I guess I don't need telling you how I reacted when Debbie invited me to prepare a guest post for The Crumpet, right? 
(Still doing the happy dance - thank you so much)

What I love most about The Crumpet is how involved with the community Debbie is. 
Not only does she have a passion for anything Indie - such a great supporter of beautiful polish creators - she's also gotten the world to know so many talented bloggers  (I still remember how I got to know One Nail To Rule Them All thanks to you :)).

No surprise then that I wanted something special to rise up to the occasion.
And considering all my other guest posts had a floral theme and I didn't want to break tradition, that's what I went for :)

I think you might recognize my inspiration source - check it out:

You might have seen some manis inspired by the cherry tree flowers from this bottle - there's quite some - but the flowers I've always loved were the ones at the top of the bottle :)

I know it's not 100% on the spot but I put so much dedication to them, I can't help but love it to bits ;)

I started with two coats of Rimmel London Peppermint - my first minty polish and still the one closest to my heart :)

The slight shimmer you see is from the one coat I applied afterwards, using Kiko Turquoise Microglitter (298) - I wanted some sparkle to jazz it up :)

After it all dried, I took my acrylic paints and started mixing some colours to match those on the bottle.
I think I've somehow managed to do so, don't you?

I had to redo the flowers a second time and although they're not a faithful replica of one another, who said flowers had to be twins? ;)

One final look at the whole mani and enough with the photos!
Let me hear what you've got to say about this one ;)
You can find more of my happy colourful (and sometimes weird) creations over on Cubbiful.
You can also join Cubbiful's Facebook Page and if you're an Instagram addict (like I'm finding myself to be) here's Cubbiful's Instagram Profile.

Thank you all for letting me share this one and thank you, Debbie, most of all.
It was a pleasure and great fun to come up with this one - I hope you've liked it just as much :)

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *

Thursday 30 January 2014

GOT Polish - Dots

Hi Goddesses

Today's GOT Polish Challenge is dots, and I almost ducked out, because I feel dots is all I ever seem to do these days!  However, a polish got stuck in my head, so here we are :)

The base is Barry M Prickly Pear.  It's one of their Gelly polishes and a gorgeous lilac, and I just don't know how I've worn it so little.  I remember buying it and being confident it would become my most used lilac .... no.

It is gorgeous, albeit insanely glossy, which is why this mani is matte.  I find glossy polishes look lovely with patterns in real life, but they look awful when you photograph them - behold -

I then added large dots with KIKO 329 Pale Grey, and once it was dry, added smaller Prickly Pear dots on top of those.

It looked a little threadbare, so I then added some super small dots with the KIKO to even up the spacing.

A quick coat of OPI Matte Top Coat and ta-dah.   I was really happy with these - they look like sherberts!

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Wednesday Guest Post - Casandra from The Mani-Logues

Hi Goddesses

Whilst I am settling into my new job and getting myself caught up and re-organised, I am handing Wednesday's blog content over to some of my loveliest blogger friends.

Today, you're joined by Casandra from The Mani-Logues - enjoy xx

Thanks for taking the time to read my guest post for the always fancy Lady Crumpet!

On my blog, The Mani-Logues, I am having the year of nail art! I was all too excited to do a post today with my new favorite thing, stamping.

I used OPI Alpine Snow on every nail except my ring fingernail, where I used 6 Harts Summer Skies (which I borrowed from my daughter and she may never get it back because it is gorgeous).

Using Bundle Monster 2013 plate BM-406 vine image and The Nail Junkie Matte Topper matte top coat, I stamped over all nails with Alpine Snow. Using BM-419 and Revlon Royal I stamped the flower pattern image over Summer Skies and topped off with Matte Topper.

On an angle to show the design in matte.

Thanks to Lady Crumpet again!

Xoxo, Casandra

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Tri Polish Challenge - Red, Orange and Yellow - Splodged Dotticure!!

Hi Goddesses

I'm gutted that this is only my 2nd TPC this month as I had loads of ideas AND loved the colour combo.  Sadly, time has disappeared like sand through a sinkhole, and I've just not got round to it - I promise I'm going to come back to this theme though, the colours are just too juicy not to!

So, when I am asked what nail art I am particularly good at, if forced, I will say either dotticures or splodging.  Well, today's mani combines both of those elements!  It's also loosely inspired by Emily at The Lacquerologist.  Emily's go-to mani is a white background, some dabs of colour, and then something else on top.  Whilst this doesn't replicate any of her manis, she was definitely my starting point.

I started with a white base, and then lightly sponged on some ManGlaze Butt Taco.  Wow - this was so beautiful when applied thinly with the sponge.  I'd never seen it so thin before, and it was really mesmerising.  I know I say it a lot, but the complexity of some of the matte polishes out there is astounding.

I then added dots, firstly using piCture pOlish O'Hara.  I used a variety of dotters in different sizes.  You'll see I did a lot of dots in a round, rainbow arch shape.

After they were dry, I then went in with my yellow - Barry M - and again, added dots of differing sizes.

Overall, I LOVE this mani.  I love how bright it is, how it's a little in-you-face, and how it even looks like the print of some exotic animal.

However, I think it would have worked better with a different red and orange.   Although both polishes are gorgeous, they are both too close on the red-orange spectrum, and a brighter orange and a more ruby red would have probably produced a more dramatic mani.

Don't forget to check out everyone else! xx

Monday 27 January 2014

Crumpet Reviews - Delush Polish XO Collection

Hi Goddesses

Ah, every now and then when you're a blogger, you connect with some amazing people, and my latest crush is Adrianna from Delush Polish, who sent me her Valentine's Collection for review.

Not only do I love that she's an exiled Brit, I have to say, wow, what a quality product.  Her polishes FEEL expensive, from the formula, to the new gold lettered bottles to the wide brush.  Delush is a deluxe experience.

Onto the polishes, and 2 of them are my bete noir - white bases with glitters!  That said, the glitter mixes are exquisite.

Love Me Light Out is rammed with purple discs, neon pink stars, small gold dots and various micro glitters.  The way it all soups together is beautiful.

For a white polish, this was very opaque.  Personally, I found that an easier experience than a jelly requiring 14 coats, but you might find some of your glitters get a little too buried by the next coat unless you have a light hand.

This reminds me of a spring bouquet that's been whizzed through the blender.  Tonally, it's fresh, crisp and eye-popping in equal degrees.

It's sister is Je Ne Sais Quoi, and this is a bridal bouquet that's been whizzed through the blender.  This is sweet pink love in the finest polish form ever!

The main glitter here is those beautiful rose circles, and also the echo of them through the smaller glitters.  I love the mint freckles too - the pay off is divine.

This is a polish I would never personally wear, but it is a TOTAL work of art, and even though I didn't like it on me, I couldn't stop staring.  The perfect bridal polish for someone who wants that little bit more.

Make Me Blush is my unexpected favourite of the 3, and I can see me using this a lot for future nail art.

Even before I had looked at the name of the polish, I had connected the word "blush" with it.  This is a cream polish, with a "blush" of colour - not pink, not peach, just blush.

The gold shimmer?  Oh la la it takes it to the next level.  This is so grown up, and again, another perfect bridal polish.

Adrianna also sent me a mini of Star Gazer and wow, I am in love with this!  What a fun glitter.

Crammed with neon fantasmagoria, this just rocks every tree in the garden, and I loved it.  I can't wait to wear this more in the summer.

You can follow Delush Polish on Facebook HERE and buy lots of their polishes (as I just have done) HERE.  Every purchase also comes with a free scratch card.  Winners can receive free shipping, BOGOF, or even name a polish!!

These polishes were sent for my honest review.

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