Saturday 1 June 2013

Crumpet Reviews HITS MARI MOON 3-free polishes - Holos and Glitters

Hi Goddesses

I’m sure that many of you are like me and love HITS polishes, and that you own a few of their holos or duochromes.  They are a relatively cheap brand that pack a great punch …. But also come with a pong.  Finally, though, HITS are 3-free, and here are the first of the re-releases.  All of these polishes were sent to me for review by the lovely Sally Magpies.

Unashamedly I’m going to start with my favourite – So Unique.  Not only is it a red to purple duochrome, (which is enough to make me pee my pants), it’s also a scattered holo-oh-oh.    Wow doesn’t get anymore OH than this.

In most lights, this leans from violet to purple, scattered with crazy lights.  Get her angled just right though, and the ruby begins to blaze through, warming to a colour just short of burnt orange.  This is magnificent, utterly magnificent.

There’s not many polishes these days that I think could capture and hold my attention for a lifetime, but I really do think this is one of them.  It’s just amazing.  Purple.  AND red.  Purple.  Yes!  AND red.  Wow, it just doesn’t get any better than this.

Art Lover is another delicious duochrome holo and reminds me very much of a whole host of other polishes, especially some by Enchanted Polish.  This is a soft focus blue to purple shifter, with occasional golden whisps at the edges.

There’s a cashmere softness to this polish, a real delicacy that makes it super cute and lovely.  The shades are slightly muted, and the combined effect is quite swoony.

There’s a lot of chameleon activity going on – this never looked the same any 2 seconds in a row.

The first of the 2 glitters is called Space Grunge (awesome name, but doesn’t it look more mermaidy?).  This is teal-y turquoise glitterfest.

The best thing about this polish is how it shifts in the light, with flashes of green, blue and everything in between.

Finally one that IS called mermaid, even if it looks nothing like one – Seapunk Mermaid Glitter.  This is super fine duochrome glitter in a clear base.

Now, learn from me here.  Although this looks opaque in the bottle – it isn’t.  This was 4 coats.  4!!!  It was not fun.

So I then layered it over Barry M Blackberry, and although the colour changing properties ARE awesome, I just hate super fine glitter.  As you can see from the photos – it got EVERYWHERE, and there was just no cleaning it up.

So, looks lovely, but comes with a free dose of glitter herpes.

All of these polishes and more are on their way to your favourite e-tailers.  If you’re in the UK, click HERE to go straight to Sally Magpies, or click on her logo in my sidebar.

These polishes were sent to me for an honest review.  Enjoy xx :)
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