Sunday 30 June 2013

British Nail Bloggers GIVEAWAY - Winner Announcement

Hi Goddesses

Are you feeling lucky?

Firstly, from all the British Nail Bloggers who participated, thank you for entering the Giveaway and following us.  We hope you'll stick around for a long time :)

We have 3 second prize winners, who each win a $50 voucher to a nail polish e-tailer of their choice.

Congratulations to .....
* Nina Wilson
* Courtney Beck
* Kris Wilson

and the BIIIIIIIIG winner of a $100 voucher to a nail polish e-tailer is .......

Lena Payne !!!

Congratulations to all of you - please email, before the end of Wednesday 3rd July, to organise your prize!

Thank you xx :)

Crumpet Reviews LILYPAD LACQUER True Blood

Hi Goddesses

Ok, they've done it again - ANOTHER polish that just has to be seen on its own, so that you can enjoy / endure the eleventythree billion photos I have taken :)

Lilypad Lacquer is a new Aussie brand, and it's SENSATIONAL.   Nicole's range features holos, duochromes, neons and just all out amazingness.   I was sent 3 polishes for review by the lovely Sally Magpies about 4 weeks ago, and it's been HELL not sharing them with you sooner!  Oh, deliciousness!

Today's post is True Blood.   Given the name, I expected this to be either bright red or dried-blood red, but it's actually purple.  However, I don't know what the hoo-ha voodoo Nicole came up with, but I have NEVER seen a purple like this before.

In all the photos, look at the bottle.  Can you see that oil slick rainbow?  Yellow, green, blue - how is that possible?  This bottle is like a liquid, molten bruise.  The magic of this polish is just off the scale.

The Lilypads vary in terms of the their holo structure - this one is unashamedly linear and bendier than a 6yr old gymnast.  The purple in this is soooo murky and indefinable though ... this is polish as a work of art.

I think I took 50 photos of this polish.  Sometimes it was just too much for my camera, and focus was impossible.  The camera isn't the only thing that can't focus when this polish is around - it's AMAZING!

The quality of these polishes is high - good brush and application, lovely formula - so lovely in fact that I then just had to go and do this ...... :)

So, er yes, LOTS of Lilypad coming up on the blog VERY soon.  In the meantime, they launch at Sally Magpies later this week - seriously, you do NOT want to miss out.

Enjoy xx :)

Saturday 29 June 2013

Crumpet Reviews - EMILY DE MOLLY Where Boys Fear To Tread

Hi Goddesses

How's your weekend going?  Let's start our blogging weekend with a bang shall we, and an utterly STUNNING holo, Emily de Molly's Where Boys Fear To Tread, which was sent to me for review by the amazing Sally Magpies.

I made a decision earlier this year that I wasn't going to devote a whole post to just one polish anymore, as it was too time consuming .... well, this polish has broken that rule!  This is just too amazing, beautiful, and plain breath-taking to not drool over in isolation.

As you know, I've been on quite the holo kick lately - 11 Mentality Polishes, and just this morning, 11 ILNP holos arrived, and 11 Lilypad Lacquer holos - lucky yummy me!!!! And for the longest time, well, forever, I've always held the original OPI DS series as the standard in holo making.   But I think all that is about to change.

Let's talk colour first.   One of my Holy Nail Grails has been the perfect holo pink.  Whilst I own some nice ones - HITS Athena - and some gorgeous ones have been released this summer - the mainly bubblegum pinks from Different Dimension and Girly Bits - I have never found a pink with the intensity I was craving.  Until now.

The pink on this is amazing.  In the bottle, she looks rose pink, but no, get her on the nail and all this violet amazingness comes out as well as some serious KAPOW factor.

And I think that's where this polish REALLY wins.  The BEND is extraordinary.  TRULY extraordinary.    This is a linear holo, but even so, the bend is off the charts.  And deep, very deep.

I literally haven't stopped staring at this polish since I put it on on Thursday night.  It is just transfixing.  I can't drink it in enough.  It's intense, fascinating and lush.  Just - WOW.  And maybe, just maybe, this is THE best holo formulation to ever hit the planet.

You can buy Emily de Molly in lots of places - mine came from Sally Magpies HERE.  Best of all, I have 2 more holos to show you, AND I've nail arted with them :)

Emily de Molly for Queen of the World!  Enjoy xx :)

Goodbye Google Reader, Hello Other Ways To Follow

Hi Goddesses

Just a super short post to remind you of the other ways you can follow The Crumpet now that Google Reader is disappearing.

The icons are all on the right, at the top, but here are the main ones.

You can follow me on Facebook by clicking HERE


Blog Lovin by clicking HERE.

I am also on Instagram as TheCrumpet1, but I am not "regular" on there lol.

Thanks for following xx and have a great weekend :)

Thursday 27 June 2013

Tri Polish Challenge - Feathers?

Hi Goddesses

So here we have my final post for this month's Tri Polish Challenge.  If I'm honest, I'm not entirely sure what it is, other than that it's not what I was aiming for lol!  Let's go lookie :)

This is on a base of w7 Silver Suede.  I'll be reviewing the Suedes and their fernickity application soon, but other than that, this is a great silver.

I then used those stickers that go round hole punch holes that we use for half moon manis, and placed them in different spots, and then reached for my 3 colours - Barry M Gelly in Blood Orange and Blackberry and Shocking Pink - and 3 striping brushes.

Now it's at this point I came unstuck.   My aim was to do thickish, irregular stripes with the colours, a bit like sunbeams. Unfortunately, being a lazy, messy, scummy kind of Crumpet, I hadn't cleaned my striper brushes .... and just assumed they would play nice.

No.  So instead we have some wonkiness, some OMG this brush won't work-ness, some ARRRGGH, and some what is wrong with this brush -ness.

Seriously girls, clean your brushes!  Lol.  So because of the dirty brushes that didn't have much desire to paint, I ended up with quite thin lines, rather then the shapes I was after, and I guess that's why now they remind me of feathers.

It's not a TOTAL fail, cos I see things in here that interest me enough to try something similar again, but it sure ain't no prize winner either!

Enjoy xx :)

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Tri Polish Challenge - Red Hot (Pink) Leopard

Hi Goddesses

I decided today that my 3 polishes would make a cracking leopard print mani, so here we are :)

Just a reminder, we have Barry M Gelly Blood Orange and Blackberry, and also Shocking Pink.  I used w7 White as my base.

I love the finished version, although it does have a few minor flaws.  One of the saddest things is that it was quite hard to tell that the spots are red AND pink – from a distance it all looks the same colour.

There is something about leopard print that is effortlessly cool as a mani.  It’s relatively easy to do, and the colour combinations are endless.  It’s one of those patterns I think that ALWAYS looks great, and there are many variations, from gradiated bases to mixed spots.

Don’t forget to check out what the other Crumpet’s Nail Tarts are up to!  Enjoy xx 

Monday 24 June 2013

Drool Britannia - w7 Glitters - Space Debris, Space Dust and Moonlight

Hi Goddesses

By popular request, I have the 3 w7 glitters for you today, which I showcased in last week's Drool Britannia post HERE. Without further ado, here we go:)

Moonlight is just spectacular. Dark, devilish and oh so dramatic, this is a fabulous cocktail of superfine glitters.

I have it layered over Rimmel Punk Rock, which was also mentioned in that post.  It's a lovely flat purple with grey tones.

Space Debris is so kitsch, it's F.A.B :)   This is a superb pinky-red crelly, sprinkled with glitter.

This polish is so girly and so fun to wear, as well as really summery.

And finally, Space Dust.   Firstly - focus more on the bottle here.  My camera decided to drain some of the blue away, and my nails look much greener than the polish actually was.

There's a nice mermaid quality to this one, and again, it's sprinkled with glitter and perfectly light and summery.

I bought all of these for £2 each - the fact they're a bargain makes me love them more :)

Enjoy xx
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