Monday 30 July 2012

piCture pOlish Blog Fest 2012

Hi Goddesses

Today is a VERY special day.  Today is Picture Polish BlogFest Day, where a number of bloggers - including me, squeal! - have been chosen to showcase their new Collaboration Collection.

Those of you who know me will know how excited I am about this.  Picture Polish are genuinely one of my favourite brands (and the mummies of Ozotics) and the fact that I also had to keep it a secret only added to the thrills!!!   

So, imagine the excitement.  You've been picked, the email tells you the polishes are on their way, the envelope arrives ..... and you STILL don't know what's going to be inside!  Oh, it truly was like Christmas Day.   Both of my polishes are from the new Collaboration Collection, and whilst neither are the first colours I would normally put in my basket, they are both very special in their own ways.

And then my index finger split.  Again.  But, and here's the really "funny" part, for the first time in MONTHS, and yes, on the eve of the day I had to do my most important swatch ever.  Oh yes, someone's laughing.   So here they are, these glorious polishes, on my uber-nubs :(   Really, it's ok, these are tears of joy, of joy .....

First up we have Kryptonite, which was created with the amazing Cathy from More Nail Polish, and one of my favourite bloggers / enablers.   Kryptonite is a dark green moss, infused with holographic particles, which look like embedded sugar on the nail.

This one has a very spectral look for me.  I love it when the holo ADDS something to a polish, and with this it does - there's a layer of electricity just bubbling away under the surface.  In some lights, this also reminds me of The Matrix - the dark computer screen with the ghostly green lettering cascading down.

The overall combination is quite delicious.   Tonally, this reminds me a lot of CG Glittering Garland - it's got that same dark, DARK Christmassy vibe to it.   It's also got a lot of enchanted forestness about it too.   But a dark and twisted enchanted forest, oh yes.

And then SHOCK HORROR the sun came out!  And woah ..... suddenly all the little pixie dust woke up and turned this into an emerald version of Dorothy's slippers.  Super sparkly, super precious, super dazzling.

White Wedding is the total opposite.  This was created with a lady most of us know, and who has changed the landscape of polish purchasing in the last year - Leah Ann LaRowe.    Leah Ann's store - Llarowe - was the first place I saw piCture pOlish and Ozotics, so I love that she has been honoured in this Collection.

White Wedding is a bright off-white shimmer, loaded with dazzle which shines predominantly gold.  In the right light (piCture pOlish, why you send this to gloomy England lol) you can see a whole rainbow glimmering subtly.  I'm sure this looks amazing in countries that have a summer! This was 3 generous coats.

Mostly this reminds me of freshly fallen snow.  It's deep, it's lush and it has that magical sparkle effect that snow has.  I like that it's there, but only if you look.  And trust me, it IS there, but between our rotten weather and .... more rotten weather, it just wasn't going to happen in these photos - sorry!

This is also prefect for brides - it represents the purity of the union, with just that little bit of glitter for the polish lover who can't let go lol.

Now, as you all know, I'm not really a white girl.  It just doesn't match my skin tone, so this isn't one I would ever buy in real life.  However, being someone who appreciates the purity of white as a base for great patterns, I imagine this will add a subtle element to some manis - I wonder if the sparkle will still show through once I put some dots or stripes on top of it?  (Clue: we'll find out soon).

Now, my 2 polishes are available to order from piCture pOlish online here, and their network members here, along with the other polishes being released today.  I find it ironic that as the renowned purple whore, I didn't get sent either of the purples lol, and by the way, they look AMAZEBALLS!  This is definitely the best Collection piCture pOlish have ever done.

 Everybody who's posting today is doing it under the banner of piCture pOlish Blog Fest 2012, and of course there's the piCture pOlish website here and their Facebook page here.

Finally, these polishes were sent to me for review, I wasn't paid for my comments, and what I have written is my honest opinion.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I have some PP shopping to do !!  Squeal!

Enjoy xx :)

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