Monday 2 July 2012

Dollish Polish - We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat

Hellooooooooo Goddesses  

And welcome to Indie Week.  I have about 3 Indie Weeks planned over the next 4 to 5 weeks.  Why?  Well er because I bought so many (hangs head) but they're so pretty!!!   Some of these swatches are a little old now - I think I bought most of these before April, but I'm finally releasing them into the wild :).

In a nutshell, Dollish Polish is one of my new favourite things.  EVER. Well, this month at least lol, and I cannot get enough of her awesome polishes.  There are now a LOT of indie sellers out there.  For my money, Dollish gives GREAT value.  They are quality polishes, WITH imagination.  None of this pre-mixed glitter in 7 different coloured bases crap.  I'm so glad she's now going to be stocked at Llarowe, as I think this will relieve a lot of the administrative pressure for her, and leave her free to concentrate on new polishes with awesome geeky names :)

We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat (WGNABB) is a gorgeous blue jelly with microscopic-to tiny-to small copper glitter and it's crazy gorgeous.

This took 3 coats for opacity, and was somewhat jellyish, but I think I would prefer to do this again than layer it.  Why?   Because the blue is so amazing and *almost* indescribable.  

In the bottle, this is quite a medium-dark blue, and it does dry a little lighter on the nail.  It's like a jade-tinged turquoise with a dash of royal blue too.   The blue is bright, but has a petrol-type green phosphorous haze to it, that floods it with green every now and then.   That's not to say it's a duochrome, because it absolutely is not, but this is bright blue, petrol-aqua-blue and jade-blue all rolled in to one.

The copper glitter provides the perfect accent - it's just sublime.   It's quite fitting that a polish named after a famous line from Jaws should be so jaw-droppingly beautiful.

Finally, on the 2nd day, I used this as a base for a tape mani, and this became Recycled Nails, beautifully layered with Zoya Savita, which just clashed perfectly with it.

Enjoy xxx :)

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