Sunday 30 September 2018

My World This Week - Randomness 1 and My TV Top 5s

Hello again

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So I thought it might be fun, from time to time, to give you a glimpse into my world.  It's a life where randomness prevails, where I laugh a lot, and to be honest, where people laugh at me.  But I'm fine with that.  I believe mockery is a sign of great love lol, so here we go.

In the Twittersphere, this week I discovered @MarianKeyes.  She's a famous Irish author and her tweets are hiLARious.  She writes them with an Irish lilt and they just bubble and burst with life.  I smile, everytime she's in my feed.

At work, one of the things I've been doing is sifting CVs for a recruitment drive.  I am never less than staggered by the CVs we receive, and this week's highlight was the young lady who proudly proclaimed on her CV "I don't read or write well but I don't let that stop me". Well honey, bravo, I am actually quite proud of you for ploughing on and not letting it hold you back, but unfortunately applying for a role where reading and writing are required is not optimal.   Biggest smile though?  The person who described themselves as a "bubble person".  I'm pretty sure they meant bubbly, but I much prefer the image of a totally spherical person bouncing down the corridors, being careful not to pop.

I think you know my obsession with chinese food.  There's pretty much nothing I won't do for noodles and starters, and this week I managed to go to my favourite chinese restaurant after bullying a friend.  Yes.  We had agree to go to an Indian, and I was actually quite excited about this, but then someone mentioned the C-word and I was a goner.  Sorry, not sorry.

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Bluebelle has driven me a little bonkers this week.  With the weather getting colder she'd more up for cuddles, and is perfecting that cat requirement of walking EXACTLY where you are about to walk and thus tripping you up.  On Monday she dropped a turd that could quite literally have gassed a nation.  Meaty is an understatement. And today she is running round like a thing possessed thinking there is roast chicken in the house.  No fluffy, I put a chicken STOCK CUBE in my noodles. FFS.

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The lowlight of my week was Beth's theatre trip to somewhere to see something.  I totally get why theatre trips are part of an education, but I resent it when they interfere with my sleep.  So her school planned a trip where they would get back at MIDNIGHT.   MIDNIGHT !!!!!! That means I would have to go to bed, wake up, collect the daughter and then go back to bed. MIDNIGHT !!!!   Why couldn't they go to a fucking matinee?

So there I am, pre-midnight, in the car park, in pj's (obviously).  Gradually, more parents arrive, and then there is the distinctive sound of a collective of teenage girls.  Car doors slam, the car park empties, and I am the only parent left there.

Hhhhmmmm.   Dressed in PJs, I can't quite go and check where the bus parked.  So I ring the daughter.  No answer. Text her.  Messenger her.  Snapchat her.  No answer. Ring her another 12 times.  NO ANSWER.  The evolving part of my brain tries to tell me "maybe there were 2 coaches" but my anger and my anxiety rises.  

Then a couple more cars arrive in the car park, like late night deja vu.  Hhhmm, maybe there IS another bus.   20minutes later, more cars, raised teenage voices, and finally my daughter bounces into the car.  "Sorry, I fell asleep" ..........

Snapchat is my new favourite thing, purely for the map feature.  It's great for an anxious parent, not so great when the child doesn't answer gggrrrr.  It's crazy how powerless we feel when, despite all these communication methods, there is no answer.  In social-media-space no one can hear you scream if no one's listening.

TV is awesome at the moment.   Autumn is always the season where the Big Guns come out - here are the Top 5 shows I am watching at the moment (that are going out weekly) - 

911 - fabulous, dynamic, high energy about the emergency services in LA.   Great cast, wit and Ryan Murphy

For The People - from Shondaland but not BY Shonda, I love this lawyerfest, especially the spikey Kate Littlejohn.

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A Discovery of Witches - I feel like I've waited my whole life for this - a grown up show about witches, vampires and magic AND it's got Matthew Goode in it !!

Bodyguard - the show everyone was talking about!   I do think the hype made it under-deliver slightly, but this had great tension, great plotting and the masterful Jed Mercurio.

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Dr Pimple Popper - oh god I love this show and this woman.  I love pus exploding out of people's bodies (I'm less keen on the lumps of fat she removes).  I think it's because it's an allegory for depression, and I imagine all the poison and toxicity is being squeezed out, leaving me pure again.  Ha ha.

And then here are the Top 5 other stuff I've watched and loved in September - 

The Sinner - Netflix - a fabulous thriller, a WHYdunnit rather than a whodunnit.  Beautifully unravelled over 8 episodes.

Ozark.  I LOVE Ozark. It seems to get no publicity but it's fabulous.  Great acting, the great Jason Bateman and Laura Linney, and a fabulous standoff between a Mexican drug cartel and Missouri rednecks

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Killing Eve.   Me and Beth LOVE Sandra Oh.   Her time as Cristina Yang on Grey's Anatomy is one of the highlights of our televisual life, and we WISH we were her.  Killing Eve was just fucking awesome, and not just because of Sandra.  Jodie Comer was amazing as the assassin with a million accents, and Phoebe Waller-Bridge's script added sarcasm and spike to an already crazy plot.  Pure joy.

Safe.  Harlan Coben has long been one of my favourite authors and the TV world has suddenly realised what a master of deception he is.  This is just supreme in every way.  A show so good, it made me wish for my memory to be wiped of all knowledge of it, just so that I could have the pleasure of watching it again.  Great acting, and the best British accent by an American EVERRRRR.

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Sharp Objects.  Oh wow.  Sharp Objects.  I feel this deserves a holy silence.  Again, another fabulous book BRILLIANTLY adapted, and Amy Adams (playing against type) is just amazing.   The ending of the book took my breath away, and I LOVED seeing the shock on the daughter's face when that moment arrived.  You will not find anything better on TV at the moment.

Right, I'm off to paint my nails something dark and dramatic.  Have a great week and see you soon!

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