Tuesday 21 July 2015

NINJA POLISH Infinity Gems Collection

Hi Goddesses

Today I have the Infinity Gems Collection for you which I was sent for review.  I am really glad to see Rhonni back, both for personal reasons AND because she makes such awesome polishes :)   The Infinity Gems Collection is 6 holos and 1 holographic glitter - let's get rollin'!

POWER is a delicious off-red holo.  Not quite red, this has edges of coral and very rose pink to it.

This is lovely if you like bright but not overpowering.  There is a lovely soft faded quality to this polish.

As you can see, the bend is gorgeous and rich.

Initially, I thought this polish was a dupe for OPI DS Couture, but it's actually a shade or 2 darker (OPI on the left).

SOUL is the green of the collection.   I'm not sure about you, but my soul sure as hell ain't green.  Purple?  Maybe.  But not green lol.

This is a nice, emerald green, super-bright, super-Kermit-y.

SPACE ..... ah, Space.   As I think you know, I have an extensive purple collection, and er 1 or 2 (cough) purple holos.  This is just ... glorious though.

I've become quite jaded about purple holos, because so many of them seem the same, but this one really took my breath away.  Super intense, the bend and flash is crazy on this one.

Truly spectacular, and yes, my faovurite of the collection lol.

REALITY is a surprise.   Much as my soul isn't green, it's even less likely to be yellow, so intially, this polish really frightened me, but do you know what?  I actually quite like it.

This is a lime-lemon hybrid.  Super bright, super funky, super fly lol.   

I'm really not sure I'd ever wear this on its own, but it looked great with black stamping.  And seriously, how nice is it to see something DIFFERENT?

TIME is orange.  Well, maybe not, it's more ginger than fruity.   This is darker, nectar-ish.

Although I love oranges, I didn't completely love this one, and I think it's because the drama is dialled down.   It just didn't grab my attention like the other polishes did.  Or maybe I'll love it more in October?

MIND is blue .... and wow is it electric.   Again, my camera got freaked by the blue, so just re-imagine this a click and a half darker.

The dazzle of the colour makes it harder for the holo to shine here, but this is a real statement polish, and looked so dramatic on my nails.

Bummer that it wouldn't photograph better.

And finally, GAUNTLET, the only glitter in the collection.   Imagine Fairy Dust, but gold.

This is super light and airy - tiny pieces of golden holo glitter.  Super sparkly and light-catching.

I have it here over Girly Bits Thump Your Melons and Color Club Hot Hot Hot Pants.

Overall I really loved this collection.  I loved the brightness, the bendiness and the happiness in the colours.  All the polishes applied effortlessly, and they also lasted really well and were quite chip resistant on me (rarely happens).

These polishes were sent for review and can be purchased here.

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