Sunday 31 July 2011

NAILS I LOVE - OPI - Skull & Glossbones

Nails I Love

Nails I Love is written to celebrate some of the most beautiful nail varnishes on earth and to help you choose which colours and styles will suit you. 

Each posting will feature details about the colour as well as photos.  I guarantee every photo will show the varnish as it looks on your fingers, otherwise, what’s the point ? 

Top Tip – if you’re ever unsure what a nail colour looks like, go to Google images, which will give you plenty of contrasts and compares.

OPI – Skull & Glossbones

When I first saw the Pirates of the Caribbean Collection from OPI I was MASSIVELY disappointed.  Puky pastels are so not my thing and I might even have harrumphed.  However, the more I saw photos of them, the more they seemed appealing, and I eventually picked up a bargain set on eBay, partly so I could get my hands on silver shatter.

Once on the nail, my pastel-aversion was forgotten.  Super glossy and super gorgeous, they looked like pearls on the nail, and whilst I didn’t love all the colours, some became keepers …

And so to Skull & Glossbones which surprisingly is one of my favourites.  This is a high gloss crème in an off-white colour.  Slightly putty-ish, slightly beige, slightly newspaper-ish, this makes nails look like a million dollars.  Elegance in a bottle, it can’t be pigeon-holed.  There’s undoubtedly a little bit of green in there just to keep it the cool side of dull, but for a pastel – and an almost colourless pastel at that - this takes some beating.

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