Sunday 24 July 2016

Jamberry Nail Wraps - Official Review

Hi Goddesses

Long time, no type!  I hope you're all well.  Here in the UK we've had SCORCHIO weather this week and I have HATED it.  Me and the sun just do not get on, and I can't wait for some cooler days.

It's been a couple of months now since I signed up as a Jamberry Independent Consultant, and I thought I'd update you on how it's going.   I've got to be honest, with a new house and new job I haven't really had much time to focus on growing my business, but my nails have looked LOVELY !


For my first mani, I started slow, and did 2 accent nails.  Jamberry is great for that.  It's such an easy way to spice up a normal mani, and with so little effort.


Oh wow, I LOVED this one.  Sparkly, purpley, sparkly, purpley - what's not to love?   

For me this is a brilliant example of a mani I absolutely could have done freehand / with stamping.  It would have taken me about an hour I think.   Putting on my nail wraps?   15 minutes.  So simple.


Tragic photography on this one.   It was a very gloomy week in the UK, so I had to use my phone to grab this one.  Love the funky vibe with this one - super cheerful.

4.  UP & AWAY

Ah, I do love the whimsy of this one!  Watercolour balloons - so fresh and summery, this one made me smile all week long.


I've loved this since the day I first saw it!  It screams summer, and I wore it for Wimbledon fortnight.  For me, this is an example of nail art I could have done, but never anywhere near as cutely as this.  I was never good with the small stuff!


I paired my strawberries with these Union Jack nails on my other paw to cheer Andy Murray on - and it so worked haha!  These looked great on and drew loads of compliments.


Wow, a bit of a fail here.  I think this was the first full mani I tried, and as you can see, my application is not awesome.  Also, the highly reflective nature of these wraps is very unforgiving to every flaw.  They looked INCREDIBLE on though.  I am not sure you can get this kind of shiny from anything else.  I felt like an alien wearing these lol.  So not me, so weird, but so dramatic!


And this is what I've been rocking this week.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE this wrap, but sadly it's retired.  I just love the 70s vibe.  I can't wait to wear this as just a couple of accent nails with fuchsia and turquoise nails - awesome.  A perfect example of a pattern I would NEVER have been able to do on my nails.

So, now that I'm 8 weeks in, what's my verdict?

Well, overall, I'm loving them.  They take so little time to put on, I think that's the appeal.  The longer I go without doing nail art, the more amazed I am at where I ever found the time to do it once a week, let alone 5 times a week, like I sometimes did, so Jamberry wins hands down for simplicity.

A Jam mani will usually last up to 2 weeks.  I've been changing mine every Sunday, just because I like the variety, although my Wimbledon nails did last the whole fortnight, through unpacking, loads of typing, washing up and washing my hair. My only ggggrrr is that it STILL doesn't hide that faulty bit I have on my index finger, and I am finding it tricky to get this nail to look presentable!

Application is quick and easy.  Some wraps go on easier than others.  Some need a good tug, some need more heat.  Overall, it usually takes me 10-15 minutes to do both hands, usually while watching NetFlix.  You can see from the photos my application has gotten better every week.  It's easy to nail this hahaha.

If you're in the UK and you'd like to find out more about Jamberry Nail Wraps, or how to become a consultant, you can follow my page HERE and visit my website HERE.

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