
Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Spring Mermaid Dotticure

Hi Goddesses

Quite a while ago, before car crashes and death's-door pussycats, I was on a pastel kick.  I had assembled a group of pastels which inspired me with their pink-peach-and green subtlety.

Since then I've bought Jessica pastels and the Color Club Pastel Neons, but not had chance to play with either, so for now, let's rejoice in how prettily these polishes play together.

This is a simple mermaid dotticure using 8 polishes lol.  I know that doesn't SOUND simple, but once you get going, it kinda is, and the rhythmn just keeps you going.

I really like how this turned out - it's like petals falling on nails.   And just wait til you see how it looked when I stamped on it :)