Sunday 22 February 2015

Crumpet's Journal - Episode 5

Hi Goddesses

Wow, it's been a quiet week on this blog, hsan't it?!  wait, wait ... can you hear that ..... the whoosh of the tumbleweed lol?    

I am in a very weird head space at the moment, so let me tumble you through what's going on.   First of all, I got a new job - yay!  More money, better company, more autonomy.   Is that why I'm not blogging?  No, not really.

I've got lots of things vaulted and ready to go, a good 2 to 3 weeks worth of material, and more gorgeous goodies coming in for review, as well as all those luscious pastels.  Is that why I'm not blogging?  No, not really.

I think this photo is the best description I can find.  I have lost my oooomph.  Where it is, fuck knows, but it isn't inside me lol, and I find myself wanting to either sit in a stupor, or sleep, or sleep ..... or sleep.

So what is to blame?  Well, I'm squarely putting the blame on the hideous 2 week cold I had.  I am pretty sure it didn't become flu, but it did wipe me out.  Also, I wasn't eating properly (because my mouth tasted like chewy sewage), so I am a bit lacking in energy.

Or am I ..... it makes me wonder.  I always knew the end would come eventually, blogging-wise, and any slump like this makes me wonder if "this is it".    I am also aware my blogging sprang out of a lack of self-worth in my job - so if I get a job I adore, where does the blog go?

I don't think we're there yet, but it does upset me to see those lovely Jessica pastels and not want to pick even one of them up.   On the plus side however, I am reading, which is great.  I'm currently obsessed with Steve Jobs, so I bought a couple of bios on him.  Actually, I watched the biopic featuring Ashton Kutcher the other week and he was AWESOME.  He's not usually an actor I like, but he dropped all his annoying "aren't I cute / funny" stuf and delivered a real performance.

So, I am sure I will see you soon.  All I need to do is write posts, I have material, but .... yeh ... I don't wanna lol.   I'll definitely be back for DD week which starts on March 9th, and hopefully the gorgeous Literary Lacquers stuff I promised you last week will be up my then too.

In the meantime, if you need a snuggle, mine's definitely the best duvet in town :)

Tuesday 17 February 2015

52 Week Challenge - Geometric

Hi Goddesses

Today's 52 Week prompt is Geometric, a style I've become strangely drawn to over the months.  I've mixed it today with pastels cos I'm still PASTEL ALL THE THINGS !!!  Plus, I thought it made a nice contrast to see an angular pattern in soft colours.

The polishes are the bundle that I've had on my nail desk for a while, and are mainly greens, pinks and peaches.  It's a collection I threw together, but man they work so well together.

I started with 2 coats of my palest colour polish - OPI You Better Pink - and then added the white lines on top.  For my white I used Octopus Nail Party Lacquer Baptism.

I then used a small nail brush to colour in my pieces, one colour at a time.

I really am totally in love with this mani - I didn't want to take it off!  Please don't make me!  Oh, I already did - oops!

Monday 16 February 2015

Literary Lacquers - To Blossom

Hi Goddesses

This week you have a treat.  Amongst the 52 Week Challenge posts, you get to see 4 Literary Lacquers polishes I was sent for review, and I've done nail art with all of them.

We start the week brightly!  I start my new job today, so I wanted something spangly and gorgeous for the blog too.  This is To Blossom, and she's GLORIOUS.

To Blossom is a fabulous berry / pink / magenta holo-bomb, with the signature pieces of Literary Lacquers magic glitter.  She's just stunning, full of zingy blue bend and those gorgeous pieces of sparkle.

I wanted to do something different and chose to do this zany peacock pattern using MM14 from Messy Mansion, probably my current favourite plate.

I splodged the base with OPI You Better Pink and Sation Fan The Flames Fuchsia so that all 3 pinks had equal interplay, and then stamped.

I am absolutely entranced by the final effect.  Stamping over a splodged base is always great, but there's something about this that just POPS.  Super in love with the polishes and the plate.

If you haven't treated yourself for a while, you can head to Literary Lacquers by clicking the link HERE.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Digit-al Dozen DOES Patterns on Patterns EXTRA - Baby Crumpet Brings It Home!

Hi Goddesses

It's been a long time since Baby Crumpet hogged the blog, but once again, she's into nails, and feeling like an expert, so for now, she's decided she's going to take part in Digit-al Dozen weeks, and add her theme mani at the weekend.

Her pattern on pattern is in memory of her beloved Pumpkin, world's best cat, who died 18 months ago.  Pumpkin was ginger striped, and Beth has done Pumpkin's fur, then covered it with paw prints and love.

I've often said how Beth is a mini me, and this wasn't a smooth session.  Like me, she thinks she knows best and doesn't take instruction well, so it was a teensy bit stressful at times lol.

She didn't really want to go matte, so we compromised, but overall, I love what she's put together.   She has a great eye for a colour, and a more patient eye for detail than me!

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