
Sunday, 2 February 2014

Darling Diva Polish RuPaulogize

Hi Goddesses

How are you feeling?  Are you fed up of the nasty weather?  Well how about this polish to banish that meh feeling?

This was one of my polishes of the year last year.  Truth be told, I actually bought it half way through December just so that it could be featured, because it seemed wrong to review the year without it.

From the moment I first saw this, it blew me away.  I've developed a real love of oranges, as they make me feel instantly happy, but it's the flakiness of this that makes me weak at the knees.

This is pure citrus sensationalnessism, and that name!  How can you resist a polish called RuPaulogize??

God bless the geniusnessiosity of Darling Diva :)