Saturday 31 August 2013

Holo Month - Emily de Molly - Devotion

Hi Goddesses

*this post was supposed to appear on 29th August, but got overtaken by Pumpkin sadness.  I've kept it as it is.*

Today is my birthday, but I have poor broken nails, so I haven't been able to do anything exciting or even wear anything decent.  They are in such a state, that I have gone to work wearing 10 different polishes - trying to eliminate unnecessaries from Mount Untried!

The next best thing and most appropriate thing I could find was this - purple holo.  If I could only wear one type of polish for, life, yeh, I could suffer wearing a purple holo every day :)

Devotion is stunning, and of fantastic quality.  It applied easily and well AND it has great holographic bend.

It's the colour I love - it's like a faded blurple.  Quite unusual, and very very gorgeous.

The linear holo on this is magnificent - bendier than Beckham's free kicks, and packing just as much punch, this polish really is a must have.

I leave you more photos of this indigo-denim hued epic drool - enjoy ! xx

Oh, and feel free to sing Happy Birthday :) lol

The Random Round Up - Loves, Highs and Anything Else!

Hi Goddesses

I thought I'd treat you to a bit of a random post today, just snippets of thoughts, excitements and other bits and pieces that haven't made it to the blog or the FB page.

Firstly - Bondi.  This is a brand that launched earlier this year, and I was one of the bloggers invited to review their polish.  And mighty fine it was too.

Since then, they've launched a subscription box (details HERE) which is awesome in value and quality.

More than that, though, they are a brand with great customer service.  Sadly, my first subscription box didn't make it intact across the ocean, and when I told them, and added wittily that I was secretly glad the bottle of yellow polish had committed suicide, they let me choose another 3.  Awesome.

And then this week, we've chosen box number 2 from a new range of colours, and 2 days after that, as a loyal customer, I got asked if I'd like to add another 3 for the ridiculous price of $16.

Seriously, I am so impressed with them right now, so if you haven't yet got them on your radar, I really REALLY urge you to go and have a look.

There's another reason I am in love with the idea of the Bondi subscription box, but I feel I have to whisper it - 


Yes, really.  Lately, I've found myself becoming really bored with them, and leaning back towards cremes (and holos lol, ALL the holos).  I don't know whether it's because I bought soooooo many, or whether they really are getting samey, but I am really finding it hard to get excited by glitters right now.

I know, I am shocked too!

Which is why I am so glad for holos.  Ah, all the holo-oh-ohs.   It seems EVERYONE is doing holos right now, and I am going to be honest - they are doing a bloody fabulous job of it too.

The best one of all though?  Hands down, shake it all around, it's Lilypad Lacquer.  Pigmentation to die for.   Linear, scattered, subtle, obnoxious - all types of holo live in Lilypad Land.  If you haven't bought any yet, you really are missing out.  I suggest you check out the amazing colours HERE or look on Facebook HERE.

I've been in holo ecstasy all summer long.  I've bought them from everyone lol.   There are a still a lot of swatches to hit the blog - good job we can't get enough of them.

I'm very excited about September.  There are 2 amazing nail art challenges running, one of which is top secret and I can't tell you about til tomorrow, and the other one is this - a NEW 33 Day Challenge.

Why another challenge?  Well, the winter is a funky time for me.  All summer long, I've been inspired by neons and bright colours, and I can already feel myself shuddering at the coming seasonal darkness.  So, a nail challenge is just what's needed to keep the motivation high.  

If you want to join us, just click HERE.  We'll be posting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from September 23rd.

The Facebook page hit a milestone this week - 2,500 likes.  Thank you, all of you.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, I've been doing this now for about 2 years, and I really feel like it's taken me that long to serve my apprenticeship.   Whilst some bloggers - like Accio Lacquer - seem to *arrive* with greatness, for the rest of us, it can take time.   

The blog itself is also not too far away from yet another milestone, but I don't want to forewarn you lol.  There WILL be a Giveaway attached to that one too :)

I am quite excited by the news coming out of Llarowe.  I've been jealous for months about the Oz Indie Box which contains all kinds of special, so I will definitely be signing up for big box of monthly indie love.

A shout out too to Mentality.  A few weeks ago Hillary massively expanded her (already huge) range, adding some incredible mattes, stamping friendly polishes and holos.  I bought a shed load, and she kindly added a few more, and I was *just* starting to attack them when NubbinGate struck.

The Dark Matte Collection 8 Piece Set

That means it will be a little while before they hit the blog, but you need to know now how awesome they are.  If you love mattes especially, you don't want to miss out, so head over HERE.  (There's also 20% off certain orders til the end of September).

And then there's the new MoYou plates.  I ordered a shit-ton of these because they redefine awesome.  I'm just going to leave you with this link, and then RUN lol.

That's enough rambling for now.  There will be a companion piece tomorrow looking at some of my recent lows and disappointments, and crucially, polishes I wish I hadn't spent my money on.

Enjoy xx :)

HARE Polish - A Positive, Amethystos, Ancient Affairs and Bisbee

Hi Goddesses

So, first of all, I have absolutely nooooooo excuse for why these have taken so long to reach the blog.  I swatched these back in December, and loved them ..... seriously, I don't know what goes on in my head half the time.

I remember being on high alert the day these went on sale at Llarowe.  I needed ALL the Hares lol, and I got em.   Lol, there is so much magic in that kind of madness haha.

A Positive, I personally didn't like, even though it does look lovely in these photos.  It's a ruby red crelly with silver hex pieces, and I just didn't like how the successive coats sat on top of the previous ones.

Don't get me wrong, it photographs beautifully, but for me, it just lacked a certain subtle.

Unlike Amethystos :)  Wow this polish is a beauty, like wearing a mosaic on your nails.

This really is a wonder polish.  Fabulous smokey lilac base and then all these crazy amazing pastel pieces on top.  Utterly utterly love this one.

Ancient Affairs is interesting.  It's a medium grey infused with blue shimmer.

It's certainly lovely, but I think it suffered by comparison with some of its collection-mates - how can you love this compared to Amethystos?

And then Bisbee, famous famous Bisbee, which on me just leaned too green.

For me, this has the same aesthetic issues as A Positive, but it hurts when I see it look so lovely when worn by other people.

Overall, I love the HARE brand, and considering some of the polishes are quite chunky, application is never an issue.

Enjoy xx :)

Thursday 29 August 2013

Tri Polish Challenge - Rasta Nails

Hi Goddesses

I'd like to start with a massive, heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who left a comment on this blog or on Facebook last night.   Pumpkin was an amazing cat, and I am touched that so many of you shared your own stories and condolences.  Thank you.  It meant a lot to Beth too, and I am proud to know so many animal lovers :)

For some reason, today's nails make me absurdly happy.  Every time I look at them, I just grin :)

To be fair, this isn't my genius idea.  I was enraptured when I saw Jen from My Nail Polish Obsession post something very similar identical a few weeks ago, and just knew I had to give it a try.

The polishes are all Barry M - Blood Orange, Yellow and Emerald Green - and I smooshed them together in a gradient.

I love how I got a little bit of orange in places, and also how the shimmer bled into other parts of the mani.

My black and white glitter is Dollish Polish Putting On The Ritzzz.  I am forever in awe of how great these black and white glitters look over gradients.

So, happy nails for my happy-ish birthday (don't ask my age) - enjoy xx :)

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