Saturday 31 March 2012

LA Girl Color Addict INTOXICATE

Hi Goddesses  

I may be from the UK, but I love me some LA Girl.  They're inexpensive, and I have yet to have a bad experience.  I love their Glitter Addict range, I love LA Splash and most of all I LOVE the Color Addicts.

This little lady is called Intoxicate and came in the first part of the world's longest and windiest ever swap with Alyssa :)   As the name suggests, she's a vampy, devilish seducer, and she's exactly the sort of colour I love.

Half the photos on this post are in the nail room, and half are under the kitchen halogens.  I hate it when there's no natural light and you just can't get a true reflection of the colour.  In real life, Intoxicate is somewhere between the 2 shades you see - not as dark as the bright photos, not as warm as the halogen photos.

This is an aubergine deep wine, a cauldron of blood and blackcurrants, all interlaced with the finest gold shimmer.  She's truly beautiful, and intoxicating - she's the sort of wine you let dribble down you chin.

I'm a bit bummed I didn't write this when I was wearing her, cos this is really not giving her the rhapsody she deserves, but trust me when I say she's a stunner.  She also reminds me of about a dozen older OPI polishes - that Black Cherry Chutney style of polish.

So deep, devilish and dark.  Lush, lusty and illicit.  She's a dramatic vamp of a polish.

Enjoy xx :)

Spring Challenge - The Easter Bunny

Hi Goddesses

Yup, Creature Feature time again, but hey, hang on a second .... isn't he .... cute !?   Yes, Miracle of Miracles I have a bunny who looks like a bunny and who I love and aaawwwww, isn't he CUTE lol.

This mani was brought to you by pinterest.   For those of you not yet on it, it's a brilliant way to "pin" or tag photos to boards so that you can go back and refer to them.  All I had to do was go to my Nail Art board and look at how other people had done their bunnies, and to be fair, it looked pretty simples, just a blob and 2 rounded vertical shapes - even a Crumpet can do that!

Wellllll, some fingers, as always are better than others lol.   I personally don't like the thumb - his eyes disturb me a little and it seemed wrong to erase them and redo them - blindness AND a transplant, I don't think so!

I love the middle finger and I am super in love with the little bobtail lol.

The base for this mani is a matte version of a-England Ascalon, which I originally posted here.   It goes minky gorgeous with a matte top coat, and was the perfect base for this.   My usual SH White On, and then OPI Sparrow Me The Drama for bunny's pink bits :)

Super cute Easter Bunny funny !!

Enjoy xx :)

Butter London - BOSSY BOOTS

Hi Goddesses

So as it's Spring I've been on a bit of a pastel kick, and then I saw this, and let's face it, how could someone like meeee resist a polish called Bossy Boots ?

Not. At. All.  That's how.   I don't know why I am falling in love with greens either, but this is truly lovely.

This is a lovely creamy creme.  It glides on like Butter, and covers beautifully in 2 coats.   It's super glossy, although I did also put Poshe over this.

I love that the base is cream rather than white, making it less stark than some other minty greens.  Seriously, this is just delish.

It reminds me a lot of OPI's Pirates of the Caribbean Collection.  Just like them, on the nail, this shines like a pearl.  It's super classy, instantly elegant and a real winner.

Enjoy xx :)

Spring challenge - Easter Eggs

Hi Goddesses 

I was really short of ideas of what to do for today's challenge.  In my head, I think I always planned to do something that represented the crazy colourful boxes Easter Eggs are sold in, and then, quite by accident, I ended up with this .....

"This" is 2 coats of China Glaze Riveting and 2 coats of Dollish Polish Random Dancing.   I don't know about you, but this speaks Easter Egg to me in a very abstract way - I'm sure I've seen them decorated in this type of foil.

Riveting you all know about by now, so let's talk about Random Dancing (it will have it's own post soon so we can talk about it LOTS more).   As a glitter whore, I'm finding it harder and harder to find things that make me go "oooh", and one of the things I am ALWAYS on the hunt for is SQUARE GLITTER.   No, don't know why, but for me, for whatever reason, square glitter is where it's at.

And Random Dancing delivers.  This does contain some round glitter, but look at all those square pieces in bright, crazy, random colours - pink, blue, green, orange.   It's a like a Crumpet wet dream!

I'll go into the science a little more when I do the separate post for Random Dancing, but this took some jiggery pokery to apply.   There is a little more clear polish in this than say, Rainbow Connection, meaning that unless you make a real effort to load your brush, it is possible to paint your nail and only deposit one piece of glitter.  I also had the hhhhmmmm moment where I painted my middle finger and NO glitter landed on it lol.  That said, this is sooooo worth the effort, and the only reason I'm not going to go into a mass of detail now is that Riveting really isn't the best base to show it on.

So, stay tuned, and in the meantime - BUY BUY BUY - get yourself over to Dollish Polish NOW - she's sooooooo worth it :)

Enjoy xx  :)

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Spring Challenge - Stripes

Hi Goddesses  

Ugh I am a sucky Crumpet.  A really bad, slack, sucky Crumpet.  This is yesterday's post, but I'm a bit behind.  I have about 50 sets of photos in the crop slash write-a-post bucket.  Yup, 50.  I believe I have bitten off more than I can chew lol.  So that's been a bit daunting (plus it takes ages to find the pics I want lol) AND I've been stressed and budy at work, which means I have got behind rather than ahead.   Siiiiiiigh.

So belatedly, here are my nothing-special Spring stripes which I did a couple of weeks ago.   I wanted to do something different, and decided to sponge on the stripes - unfortunately even with an eyeshadow applicator, these went on thicker than I wanted.

The base is Picture Polish Denim which is super gorgeous and coming to a "crop slash write-a-post bucket" near you soon.  The sponging was with Models Own Beth's Blue, one of my faves (I just love it's faint lilac tinge).

To spice it up, I layered over a coat of Dollish Polish Super Bass, a superb peacock blend of bright blue and bright purple micro glitter.  It's one of those things that didn't make much difference, yet made all the difference in the world, if that makes sense.  I love it 10 times more with Super Bass on top.

Some of you may recognise this as the base of a stamping pattern I did a couple of weeks ago - and THAT'S how I ended up with my backlog.  I can often manage to get 4 variations out of 1 mani, and then they just er pile up, cos I end up with more manis than I had days.

Right lol - off to crop !!

Enjoy xxx :)
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