Monday 30 May 2011

10 Reasons Lady Gaga Rules The World

1.  Bad Romance - operatic genius.  Nuff said
2.  She has been touring for almost 2 years
3.  She has written a 14 track album - when ???  How on earth has she had the time ?  Genius AND perspiration
4. She makes me want to get up and dance
5. She moves the way I do in my dreams
6. It's taken 30 years to find the true "next Madonna" - and she's done it even better
7.  She knows how to write a killer pop song
8.  She proves how great she is by cramming at least 2 choruses into every song
9.  She is unqiue, self-confident and self-actualised - a fantastic role model of being true to the self
10.  Hair - if there has ever been a more perfect pop record, let me know.  Who else could channel Born To Run through teenage rebellion and a cocktail of killer pop choruses ?  GENIUS.
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